Making the move to find my future career path was something I’d put off for a long time. Finding my passion, a team that believed in my growth as much as I did and enjoying going to work was something I was yet to find. I needed something new, an opportunity where I could be the best version of myself and progress positively, with a group of people that believed in me.
Applying for the Customer Service role at Giganet was a total shot in the dark. I had no previous experience in an office environment and had no real idea what broadband or Wi-Fi even was! From the moment I applied, Giganet made me feel confident; they made me feel wanted. It felt like maybe, just maybe, this might be for me.
Starting a new job during a global pandemic was an experience in itself. I met the team remotely and had to learn the job over Microsoft Teams, which was totally bizarre. Everyone at Giganet is so normal; there is no other way to put it. No matter who you speak to or how busy they are, or where on the hierarchy they sit, they WANT to help.
I’ve now been with Giganet for seven months and can genuinely say I’ve never felt so at home at work. Things are continuously changing within the business, and I’m excited to be part of the journey. Although there is so much going on during this rapid growth period for Giganet, I’ve never been left behind or dismissed.
Every member of my team looks out for me and we all value and respect each other. Each person brings something different to our roles, and we complement each other just perfectly. Having support within my team has been the making of me. I’ve gone from being anxious and overwhelmed about starting something new, to becoming a bright, bubbly member of the Customer Service team.
Customer Service is one of Giganet’s foundations and we pride ourselves on being different to other internet providers. There are no scripts, no long holding time, and each caller gets through to someone who can help and wants to help. Keeping our customers at the heart of everything we do is truly one of Giganet’s core values. Our customers are the reason we’re here and we want them to end every phone call thinking that the experience was super helpful and totally refreshing.
I’ve had my moments whilst at Giganet; self-doubt has always been my worst enemy. But not once did my team tell me I wasn’t doing great, not once did they tell me that I wasn’t an asset or that I shouldn’t believe in myself. They are the reason I am who I am within this role today, and I’ll forever be thankful for those who believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself.
For anyone thinking of taking the leap, getting out of your comfort zone and trying something completely different –my advice is just go for it. Giganet is the best company to be part of and I take pride in the work I do. I feel like finally, I’ve truly found what I’m good at.
“Don’t let the fear of what could happen, make nothing happen”.
“Experience tells you what you can do, and confidence allows you to do it.”